#1 - Don't complain of life
This is very basic, but it's what people do most in their daily lives. Complain of everything they have no power over. I know people who only complain about everything that is not going as they planned. They complain why they stepped dog feces, they complain why traffic is so slow, they complain that they have no job, anyway. They are so pessimistic that they can only see everything bad in their lives and focus exactly on things they cannot change. If you are like this, I advise you to stop being pessimistic and to accept your life circumstances and see the good in them. Did you step on dog feces? Laugh at yourself. Is traffic slow? Patience. There is no job? Start pioneering, or looking for a business venture. See how our difficulties are a matter of point of view? So the next time something goes wrong, don't complain or brood daily. Try to see the bright side and keep the joy. To this end, I recommend Mark Manson's book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" that will help you accept the most unpleasant realities of life.
#2 - Focus on what you can change
Unlike the pessimist described above who only complains about life, those who follow this tip quit pessimism and strive for optimism. Instead of focusing on what you cannot change, try to see what you can do today to improve your life situation. Did you step on dog feces? Try cleaning with something nearby to mitigate the damage. Is traffic slow? Great. You can take the extra time to listen to an educational audiobook. There is no job? Maybe it's the right time to start a business on your own. See how this time you seize the bright side of your situation? So don't just look on the bright side. Take advantage of it.
#3 - Be Grateful
This is a more realistic attitude. We all have something for which we are grateful. Maybe it's someone special in your life, your family, your dog, or anything else that you cherish very much. "But Oseias I lost my family, my dog and I have no one special in my life." So be grateful for your life, for the air you breathe, for the morning sun, whatever. As I said above, we all have something for which we are grateful. If you have trouble finding something to be grateful to Jehovah God each day, try to make a daily list of at least 5 good things that happened to you the day before or at the end of the day before going to bed. You will be amazed at the many good little things you ignore every day. So be grateful.
#4 - Be generous
This is a very practical way to be more positive. When you help others, you see that your problems are not all that serious after all. The more you help others, the more you will feel good about yourself for being generous.
#5 - Have a Close Friendship with God
This is by far the most important tip on this list. Developing a friendship with God will help you have peace of mind, inner peace, and contentment to know that He approves you and considers you a close friend. After all, he created us with the need to approach him and made it the basis of our happiness. That is, as long as you have a close relationship with Jehovah, you will always have a feast in your life despite difficulties. For that, how about setting up a Bible Study with a Jehovah's Witness? You certainly won't regret it.
So? What did you think of these tips? Comment below and see you soon...
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